Monday, May 31, 2010

More tours

We were busier today with tours, but it didn’t seem as bad, I guess the flow was just a little better. Starboard watch was on tours and Port had work party, the boat got another coat of paint on her.

Today is our last night on land and since the festival is over we ate dinner with the volunteers. In this port we have exchanged cooks, temporarily lost a crewmember and bosun, gained a crewmember and a volunteer.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Had tours today, continuous flow of people.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day off

Had a very relaxing day off, Portsmouth has a small downtown filled with bars and restaurants. Jesse and I went to Gundalow to check her out and then relaxed in the park. You really learn to appreciate trees and grass when you live on a boat, trees are like land masts.

Gundalow's mast.
Jesse trying to drill a hole.
Jesse climbing through the bilge.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Parade of Sail

Had a coast guard inspection as always when we get to a new state. In the afternoon we had a parade of sail with the Lynx and also a barge that has a sail on it called the Gundalow.

Dan and John signaling the Gundalow's arrival.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hove to and Lynx

When I was woken up for watch I was really confused, went on deck and it was just Grant and Tenley, we were hove to, going nowhere. Laura and I stood the two hours and then woke Peter and Darren. For work party Tenley and I got to play in the bilges, yay! Then we all laid into baggy wrinkle, we tried using combs to fluff faster and it worked okay. The Laura put it up on the stays so that we wouldn’t look silly.

When we got closer to Portsmouth we had to wait out of the channel for a pilot to help us up the river and to our dock, we were also waiting for Lynx so that we could go in together.

Docking was okay, but since the tide is about 9 feet we’ll keep having to reconfigure the brows.

Coming in with Lynx.
Jesse on a horse tier swing.
Bounty and Lynx together.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Set, strike and furl practice

Watch this morning was very calm, slowly sailing, about 2 to 3 knots. For work party Tenley and I started sewing the signal flags again, but ended up shaking out and setting every sail. Afternoon watch we struck everything and stowed it. Peter and Cory furled with us, it was nice having the mates there and us actually having to teach them because they hardly ever go aloft. While aloft we also saw some whales.

The 4 to 8 watch ended up seeing some very strange clouds, morning glories. Apparently they are very rare and usually happen around Australia.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Painting and playing

This morning we spent work party painting black and yellow over the side because the dock was so low it was easy for us to do. Got off the dock at noon and headed out, shook out all the sails because we’re just playing with the boat till Thursday when we have to be in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Dan went over how to set and strike sail for the new people and now I defiantly feel comfortable about sail handling.

Monday, May 24, 2010

To Booth Bay, ME

Got off the dock around 1000 and headed for Booth Bay. Cory tossed our dock lines and stayed on shore to drive the truck over that we were borrowing from one of Robin’s friends. It was all hands for a while and Laura and I ended up on the signal flags. On watch Peter had Tenley follow me around and teach her the ways of watch. We ended up shaking out some sail just because we had passengers. Docked at Booth Bay and was done with work by 1600 so Katie and I explored. This is where we might be spending two months in the fall to get a lot of work done on the boat.
Scottie, Darren and Grant furling.
Tenley, Richard and Dan furling the mizzen staysail.
Everyone furling the headsails.
Darren, John and Dough furling the main staysail.
Foot bridge.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Slow tours

Tours today were actually enjoyable, the weather was great, it warmed up and they even had some really great questions. We had enough people to have an idle position so during my hour I went to the museum, they had a lot of great tools and original buildings from when that area was a ship yard. They also had a pirate ship playground and at the end of the day Jesse, Scottie and I went there and played around. It actually was properly rigged, we fixed a brace and lift that were off, but other than that it really had a topsail you could set. Halyard, braces, bunts, clews and sheets.

We also had some sea scouts on board who played a bit with braces and climbed. There was also fog that really did roll in like a blanket and covered everything within minutes.

Got another new crewmember, Tenley, she’s on A watch.

Pirate ship playground.
Fram of a 5 masted schooner.
Jesse playing with pulleys.
Jesse fixing a lift on the playground.
Scottie at the crosstrees.

Jesse and Scottie.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Portland, ME

Amy is from Portland so she had her car and she took John, Scottie, Jesse and I into Portland for the day. We first went to Grey to look at a nautical junk shop, unfortunately it was closed, but we did wonder around the whole yard looking at the cool stuff they had our there. We stopped for food and then went to a Fort on Cape Elizabeth where we met one of Amy’s friends. Ate and then walked around, there was an amazing light house, Head Light, apparently the most photographed light house. We also went to Hamilton Marine where I got a palm, very excited to have my own seeing as how the ship ones have vanished.

Got a new crewmember, Richard, he’s on B watch but is also a new roommate.

Jesse and his mallet.
Amy, Scottie and Jesse at the marine junk store.
Amy and John.
Jesse and I.
Head Light light house, Portland, ME.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Flags and lobster bake

Continued to sew flags all day today, luckily at the end of the day we actually finished hemming all the frayed edges. Had our coast guard inspection, went very smoothly, we even had a MOB drill with a life ring, it went very quickly without a flaw. A reporter from the local paper also showed up and took pictures of Scottie and I while sewing the flags.

For dinner we had a huge lobster bake. One of Robin’s friends who lives near by brought us about 40 lobsters and a lot of clams. We all sat on the dock and ate with our hands, throwing the shells into the water. We didn’t have any crackers so we ended up using our leathermans and a mallet from bosuns.

Sleeping lobster before he meets his doom.
About 40 lobsters.
Lobster and Katie.
Katie putting a lobster to his doom.
Lobster ready to steam.
Zach about to attack.
Katie lobster face.
Jesse, Katie and I eating.