Tours today were actually enjoyable, the weather was great, it warmed up and they even had some really great questions. We had enough people to have an idle position so during my hour I went to the museum, they had a lot of great tools and original buildings from when that area was a ship yard. They also had a pirate ship playground and at the end of the day Jesse, Scottie and I went there and played around. It actually was properly rigged, we fixed a brace and lift that were off, but other than that it really had a topsail you could set. Halyard, braces, bunts, clews and sheets.
We also had some sea scouts on board who played a bit with braces and climbed. There was also fog that really did roll in like a blanket and covered everything within minutes.
Got another new crewmember, Tenley, she’s on A watch.

Pirate ship playground.

Fram of a 5 masted schooner.

Jesse playing with pulleys.

Jesse fixing a lift on the playground.

Scottie at the crosstrees.
Jesse and Scottie.