Sunday, November 14, 2010

Boat leave with out me...

Eggs and lots of bacon

Leftover stirfry

Brisket and latkes at Jojo’s request.

This afternoon Robin said the boat might be leaving Thursday, this Thursday, a few days before I even plan on leaving. It’s a little heart breaking knowing that I’ve decided not to be on the boat for the transit south, but I’ve put in plenty of time and Katie is leaving around that same time as well. I want to stay but I want to go, but most of all I know on that transit south I’d be miserable. I’d have been on over a year, it would be freezing, hardly any people so we’d most likely not sail.

All that is left is Chris, Richard, Mitch and Tenley, the last of the most experienced people are leaving.

Mitch sleeping on the tweens.
Masts up.
Compass covered in dirt and cobwebs.
Jojo re sizing eye.
Half and half.
Steamers for the plank.


  1. Before you leave the Bounty, I have to tell you how much I enjoyed your blog and the photography that goes along with it.

    I wish that your blog had been suggested reading from the home office, for those passengers who would sail on her. Would I have know about this, I would have been better prepaired for my sail from Milwaukie to Erie, because I would have understood (better) the workings of such a great tallship, but also in a small way, learned about the various crew members, their names and work related positions. This might have made it easier for us ( Tom & Jerry) to fit in more as I'm sure that passengers are likely considered by most crew to be a pain in the ass, something they have to put up with.

    When we left the ship in Erie, I had mixed emotions about our voyage and sailing on tallships. As I have learned more, since then, I can now appreciate the crews love for the Bounty.
    It's a shame so many have or are leaving the vessel at this point.

    Oh, and just one more thing, your breads are as good as I have ever tasted, ANYWHERE!

  2. Thanks so much. I'll be back again next year so make sure you check up on it once in awhile.
