Monday, November 22, 2010


Cinnamon and Marmalade Rolls

I don’t want to :(. Richard, Katie, Jesse and I all left today, Katie on a train to Boston, Richard to Chicago to see a friend and then on to Minnesota and Jesse and I to Eugene, Oregon.

What fate lies in store for Bounty, I don’t know. There is talk of her launching this week, but then the weather might not be the right conditions, so she might have to wait. The yard is suppose to be hauling out another boat in the first week of December so she’ll be gone by then.

I was on Bounty for 360 days, 5 days short of a full year. For the past year I’ve not spent more than two nights away from the boat, not had more than two days off in a row and at times hardly had a day off a week. I’ve enjoyed every moment of my time, the good and the bad, but I’ll be back for more next year.

For the time being I’ll put this blog on hold, when I hear information about where the boat is or things from crew still on I’ll post, but that could be awhile.

Katie and I one last time.


  1. Sorry to hear you won't be reporting on the last leg of the journey. It's been nice to be able to check in here to see where you were & what was going on. You've had a long haul -- and finished with the toughest job on the boat. Well done!
    It was nice meeting you. All the best in your future travels... perhaps we'll meet again.

    -- Arlene from New Brunswick

    P.S. Tell Jesse I said hi. Has he made that crokinole board yet?? ;)

  2. So so sad but still wonderful.

    Like leaving Singapore, sad but good times are still ahead.
