Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rust busting, flags and sanding

Worked inside again. Kat and Grant moved the arms chest, cleaned and fixed a few things on it, then went to the great cabin to sand another column. Sadly it had been painted so it took them all day and still not finished sanding, there is a lot of white paint to get off. Katie spent her whole day in the great cabin as well, going through all the flags, countries, states, provinces, ASTA and wind flags. I ended up sewing a few holes and rips up in some of them, most of the signal flags smelled really bad so they got washed. We found a really huge British flag as well that smelled horrible. There were four mystery flags that we didn’t know where they were from, ended up being Pitcairn, Panama, Cornwall and some historical Canadian province. I rust busted three metal bands around the main mast on the tween and later help sanded. I enjoy rust busting it just sucks when a giant piece of rust flicks off while wire wheeling it and gouges your leg. In the afternoon since it cleared up a bit Kat did some more deck fixing around the mizzenmast. Ethan finished up the project in the shower to make a lip on the inboard shower so that the curtain stays in the shower with you. Peter left for New York tonight and he’ll be back Friday. We are all really grateful that tomorrow is the day off!

Table saw.
Kat and Grant moving the arms chest.
Signal flags.
More flags.
Bounty flag.

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