Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Slow progress

For work party I looked for leaks again, but this time on deck, set up the fire hose and let it pour over the starboard forward channel and then the bits. And I found the leak! Dan was supper happy, going to redo the bits and the seam between the deck and covering board. Before 1600 we ended up striking sail and motoring because for the past two days we hadn’t done more than 3 knots and hardly moved at all.


  1. The best of both worlds, classic styling meets modern convenience! Availible at your local shipyard now! It's the inquisitive guy you met at the Maritime Festival in Port Washington, WI. Looking for contact information, general information, secret information, what have you on how I can get off the land and into the sea.

  2. hey great! glad you're actually serious, lots of people are all talk and no action.

    here's the crew page http://www.tallshipbounty.org/sail-bounty/crew.php

    email tracie tsimonin@tallshipbounty.org

    or if you just want to keep in touch with me and ask more personal crew questions feel free to email me. purplefairydust@hotmail.com
