Monday, April 11, 2011

Bermuda is a go

The boat was supper rolly today, wobbling all over the place. Robin told me after breakfast that we plan on getting in to Bermuda on Wednesday morning and that we’d have the day off so to make sure I had leftovers in the fridge, but most people would want to eat out anyway. I made roasted carrot soup for lunch, it was great, but a little hard to make because our bow kept dipping into the waves and the fore deck was getting splashed and then it all just dribbles down into the galley. After lunch the wind changed direction a little so it wasn’t quite on the nose and we were able to set sail and oh boy were we really sailing. Going a good 10 knots.

Right after the 12-4 got stood down Brooke check on the fishing line trailing off the stern and there was fish on the end of it! Grant hauled it in and everyone was called on deck, it was a small mahi, it had already lost a lot of it’s colour so it must have been dragging for awhile. Baron whips out his filet knife and goes to down on it, grabs the guts and then chucks them overboard. We didn’t get a bucket of water fast enough to wash away the blood so it started to congeal and Matt helped scrub it off.

We got two nicely cut fillets and they were handed over to me, dipped in a little flour, fried in butter and a sprinkle of lemon juice. Everyone got a small chunk to go with dinner.

But making dinner was a whole other story. We were rocking and rolling really well by 4 o’clock and trying to fry fish, check on my chicken and potatoes that were the original planned dinner was hard. I pulled open the oven door, and of coarse my glasses get steamy so I wait a minute, but we bounce and the oven door swings half way closed again. I have the racks in the oven turned around so that the lip faces out instead of at the back, this way incase the bow is dropping into the waves and I open the door things won’t fly out at me, but then it makes it hard to pull the rack out, the pan wants to stay in place.

At this rate not only is the stove pretty wet, but also the floor and I’m slipping all over the place. At least we’re healing to port so I can lean against the counter. Jesse says it’ll only get worse.

Don doing a deck wash.
Grant and Laura.
Really sailing.
Dan and Barron gutting the fish.

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