Monday, January 4, 2010

Great cabin, paint and oil

It was so cold this morning that it was decided we didn’t have to work in the rig or even outside till later in the afternoon. First I got to clean the great cabin, wash the windows, wipe down all the wood, sweep a bit and then clean all the cushions, they had sand and all other kinds of dirt on them.

Kat was painting the sole of forward crew, Josh doing something in the engine room and later working on the florescent lights, Katie was doing a safety check of fire extinguishers, fire alarms and air horns. Brooke was adding a second coat and grit to the nav station companion way but got pulled away by Peter to drive him around, so I ended up finishing that.

Then I got to once again go aloft and touch up the main cross trees, third times a charm I suppose. It was hard to do because it was all the spots that people had missed before for a reason; they are difficult to get at.

While I was doing that everyone else was moving stuff from the fore deck off the boat to behind a paint shed so we can store it there for now while we work here docked.

Then Katie and I sanded the top of the capstan while Josh and Kat sanded the mizzen fife rail. It took us awhile to sand because the capstan had varnish and we are changing it to oil, easier to maintain. Brooke and Peter got back just in time with the oil so we could give it a one quick coat.

They also came baring other gifts, I got three letters and the boat got a few and we got more bungs! Yay for bungs!

Nav companion stairs.
Freshly painted cross trees, second platform.
Fore deck organized.
Kat and Josh oiling.
Capstan nicely oiled.

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