Friday, December 18, 2009

Fiddle and Paint

This morning was very gross, grey, raining and not to mention the wind. We had to haul in the staging and ladder because they were banging against the hull. Up and overers were pretty rough, we didn’t have to climb if we didn’t want to but we all did, all that wind is good way to prepare us. I got half way to the cross trees and was wobbling all over the place and decided it wasn’t worth it, would have too hard of a time getting down.

Kat and I put chafe gear on some of the lines because they were slack with the southern wind pushing us against the dock.

We each had our own projects to work on today, all indoors. I got to work on the fiddle for the top of the refrigerator, at home I would normally pass this project onto my brother, but it was my task, so bring on the power tools! I got the old fiddle, traced it out, cut it, drilled some holes, smoothed it out… then had to some how attach it and shove it back in place. The piece that was to be shoved between the fridge and the cupboard above it was too thick, something had changed when we put the fridge back, so I had to plane it a little to make it fit. Used a rubber mallet to pound it back in place, screwed on the fiddle, shoved it in some more and screwed it in place. Finally I was done and it only took me most of the morning. If anyone breaks it they’ll have to incur my wrath because it took me awhile to get it done and I don’t normally make those kind of things. But I’m proud that I got it done.

During all this Brooke took apart, greased, and put back together some blocks. Ashley worked on painting the sole of forward crew. Katie was doing duty things and Kat was checking out gaskets and making new whippings for some of them.

After lunch I got to paint part of the galley, the area for guest mugs, behind and around the door leading down to forward crew and bosuns. At one point I used my foot to keep the door closed while I painted near the deck because the door wouldn’t stay closed.

Also since Joe installs lights for a living he put in another light in bosuns storage so we don't have to feel around in the dark and two in the engine room.

We also received a Christmas tree this morning from Ruth, an Australian pine; it looks like a sad Charlie Brown tree though. I also got a large box in the mail! It’s from the body shop so it looks like mom ordered me some things; I opened the box a little, but decided to save it for Christmas so I at least have something to open.

There was also a mishap, some water pip burst and water poured in all over Ashley’s fresh paint job. Ran to shut off the water, fixed it, but it happened again so hat to patch the patch. All is good now, just another thing of living on a ship, don’t want water pouring everywhere.

Today’s injuries only include a scrape on my thumb from a screw sticking out of the wall while I was sanding.

Clean paint with a dirty door.

Kat making a whipping.
Let there be light!

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