Saturday, December 12, 2009

Royal, throwing dock lines and Bosuns

Today was pretty awesome, at least the morning; I made it all the way up to the main royal! I have no idea how I managed that either, it was so windy and last week when I had tried I got up about half way and it was too wiggly. It was such a thrill to be up there, strong wind in your face, practically the whole ship under you, I want to go up there again and again.

Then Robin explained about how a ship docks, what dock lines are important and the importance of being able to know how well you can throw. Then Rebecca and Peter showed us the lines with a monkey fist at the end, the correct way to coil and then toss it out. As lots of people know, I cannot throw very well, I warned them and proved to them that I suck, na it was not all that bad, just need some practice.

Since it was sprinkling Ashley and I went down into Bosuns and started to reorganize a few things. We only did one aisle, the one with the all the line and things for the rigging. Took things out of the cubbies, vacuumed the dirt out and reorganized it all. Ashley wrote the labels and drew some cute pictures on them, like on the seine twine the old label said “insane twine” so she drew a silly face. Swept everything else and didn’t have time to start another aisle. There were a few things we had no idea what they were, like plier things with some other odd attachment.

After lunch Ashley and I once again went over the side to paint the hull. We had too fool around with the staging a whole lot because originally Peter put it in the wrong place and we wouldn’t have been able to reach something that got sanded but not painted yesterday. Also the staging was a little low today, got splashed badly so we didn’t sit down, just kneeled and the bottom of my shorts got really wet.

Since we had some paint and time left I went ahead and thought it would be a good time to finish up on the bowsprit. Happened to run into Peter on my way and he thought it was a great idea, showing him I can think, lol.

Plus we have two new crewmembers; well they are old and have just come for a visit till Thursday. Two guys, Grant aka Canada who’s 29 and sailed with the Bounty for about 8 months about 10 years ago and Zach who sailed more recently. Cool guys, nice to have a change from mostly all girls.

At capstan I brought the tool out because Rebecca said we'd have a guessing game of what it was, so far, still no idea. No one really guessed though, the answer will be reviled tomorrow at capstan.

On the royal!

This is the aisle we cleaned.
Insane twine!
Tool aisle.
Some things we didn't know where they went and on the far right, had no idea what that was.

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